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7 health boosters (that are for free)

Going backstage

In today's society we almost became specialists in finding a quick fix for our health issues - instead of understanding our problems and healing them from within.

Many people (and I have been one of them) are content with

  • covering up the symptoms by either throwing in a painkiller

  • and/or ignoring the warning signs altogether (I've been a specialist in this one ;))

Many of us are unaware that the best medicine is right in front of our noses. Or, put into other words, that the reason we are actually looking for (and not the occuring symptom), is to find backstage. Why staying in front of the stage when we get the chance to meet our favourite actor or singer backstages? ;)

Nature's medicine cabinet

Look into Mother Nature's medicine cabinet and you will find:

  1. Sunlight

  2. Spring water

  3. Natural (unprocessed) food

  4. Movement practice & exercise

  5. Laughter

  6. Relaxation

  7. Fresh air

Domino effect

Once we start considering e. g. our food, our laughter, our rest and allowing to express every emotion as the best form of medicine we can begin to heal from within.

To do this, we need to be aware of our actions and the things we put into our bodies.

And once we get started with healing one area, like our diet, we will benefit from it in other areas of our lives as well.

So, my dear: (Re-)Connect to mother nature, move your body, choose drinks & foods that give you energy and become confident in slowing down. This is one beautiful way for you to bring more life into your life - and all for free!

Much love to you


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