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10 points of softening

Life becomes more vivid when softening

I want to share with you a practice how I use to soften my body quickly and effectively.

I came across the "Six points of softening" by Scott Schwenk when I explored more about ecstatic breathwork about two years ago. I immediately fell in live with this softening practice as it worked for me in a very easy and joyful way.

The six steps

1. Imagine how you deeply soften the soles of your feet. Like you’re opening fists. 

2. Next, soften the palms of your hands. You can use the picture of opening fists again.

3. Let the inside and outside corners of your eyes melt and soften.

4. Soften the entire area inside and around your ears.

5. Let your tongue come to rest in the floor of your mouth. Soften your tongue from its tip to its beginning near the throat. 

6. Soften your entire pelvic floor/groin region.

... Continue softening all six points, while gently inhaling down your spine and exhaling up your spine. Notice how you feel.


So much love,


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